Call a Messenger

Call a Messenger is a 1939 Universal Studios film that starred Billy Halop and Huntz Hall of the Dead End Kids and several of the Little Tough Guys.

After becoming friends with fellow messenger boy Bob Prichard, Jimmy decides to hook Bob up with his sister, Marge. He feels that Bob is a much better match for Marge then a local gangster who has been spending too much time with her. Pretty soon, Jimmys brother Ed returns home from prison. At first, Jimmy is glad to have his brother back home, but pretty soon, he and Ed get mixed up with some gangsters who plan on robbing the post office.Dead End Kids Billy Halop and Huntz Hall returned to Universal beginning with this film. Universal decided to pair the Dead End Kids with the Little Tough Guys. Pretty soon, most of the other Dead End Kids would also sign on. In this film, the billing appears as Billy Halop and Huntz Hall of the Dead End Kids and the Little Tough Guys. ........

Source: Wikipedia